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Our mission is to build a comprehensive and user-friendly database, enabling researchers to access and contribute to the most current and accurate data available. We are empowering researchers to make discoveries that will help our world grow and thrive. Our AI research tool is designed for maximum efficiency, saving our users time and money while also providing them access to the best data.

Our Services


Share your data, give your feedback and improve global scientific dataset


Navigate through the database at the speed of your thoughts!


About us

Why Sci-Data-Hub?

During my M2 internship, I was struck by the recurring discussion about data in Life Science. Initially, I assumed the problem was the scarcity of data, given that most articles involve very few participants. However, I soon realized that we already had a vast amount of data at our disposal. The issue? How to process, organize, and share them effectively. A straightforward solution dawned on me: a collaborative platform where researchers can showcase their data, while also evaluating and discussing the data of others. This platform would be powered by an excellent tool, url2chat, developed by

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